Effect of the method of preparation of rye grain on its microstructure and safety indicators

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One of the main issues in the baking industry is currently the development and introduction of new products increased nutritional value. By promising area of ​​enrichment products include the use of whole grains. Currently pressing issue is expanding the range of bakery products by applying the functional orientation of the whole grain rye. Expand the range of bread from a mixture of rye and wheat flour can be due to the use of whole grain rye. German company "Irex" developed a method of preparing a mixture of products from rye and wheat flour with the addition of acidified whole rye "Saftkorn." The experiment was conducted microstructure definition, content of toxic elements (cadmium, lead, mercury, arsenic) and microbiological indicators rye "Saftkorn" and "Avanguard". The microstructure and grain safety performance prepared in different ways. The difference in the microstructure of rye "Saftсorn" (Germany) and "Аvangard" (Russia). Proven that their microbiological parameters were within acceptable limits.


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IDR: 14040174

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