The microwave processing effect on starch degradation and enzymatic activity in cereals

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The purpose of reseaech is to study the effect of microwave treatment on starch degradation and amylase activity in cereals. Tasks - to consider what changes in starch occur in grains and cereals during storage and microwave processing;to identify positive and negative changes; to determine the cause of these changes; to study the effect of microwave on the degradation of starch; to investigate the effect of microwave on the activity of amylase in cereals and to identify patterns. The study was carried out on buckwheat (unground kernel 1st grade) and pearl barley (1st grade) groats, processing was carried out with a microwave power of 450 W, the processing time was from 0 to 10 minutes. The results of the experiment showed the following: the activity of amylase decreases in pearl barley by 9 times, and in buckwheat - by 10.1 times. Changes in the carbohydrate composition and inactivation of amylase during microwave treatment affect the glycemic index of cereals and products based on them. During storage, starch decomposes to simple carbohydrates under the action of enzymes, and this has a positive effect, for example, in the production of malt, but during storage of cereals, it has a negative effect on organoleptic characteristics. To increase the shelf life of cereals and reduce the activity of enzymes, cereals are thermally processed (TRP, IR). A decrease in amylase activity after microwave treatment has been proven. Microwave treatment affects the structure of cereals, in particular, starch is destroyed and amylase activity decreases. Accordingly, microwave processing can be applied to increase the duration of storage instead of micronization or GTO technology.


Microwave, instant cereals, starch, amylase

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140295845   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2022-11-202-207

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