Effects of fertilizers on ground products and drying material transportation of nutrition from the soil

Автор: Abbasova Gyunai

Журнал: Бюллетень науки и практики @bulletennauki

Рубрика: Сельскохозяйственные науки

Статья в выпуске: 7 т.7, 2021 года.

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The article presents the results of studying the effect of applying organic and mineral fertilizers on irrigated chestnut soils of the Ganja-Gazakh region to remove nutrients from the soil by grape harvest and dry pruning material. It was found that, along with an increase in yield, organic and mineral fertilizers also influenced an increase in the amount of nutrients removed from the soil. In comparison with the control variant without fertilizing, the amount of grape nitrogen removed by the crop in the experimental variants with fertilizer ranged from 7.7-24.0, phosphorus 1.5-6.3 and potassium 8.0-25.1 kg/ha, and the material of dry pruning is the amount of removed nitrogen is 18.6-46.5, phosphorus is 12.8-31.9, and potassium is 33.8-78.3 kg/ha.


Grapes, fertilizers, dry pruning material, nutrients

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14120665

IDR: 14120665   |   DOI: 10.33619/2414-2948/68/09

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