Influence of conditions of transportation on quality of foundry coke

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In the article results of the researches on an establishment of influence of loadings and humidity of an environment at transportation on quality of a foundry coke are presented. To assess the destruction of foundry coke during transportation, tests were performed simulating the conditions for transportation of casting coke of size fractions of 40-60 mm and 60-80 mm in railway wagons. Investigations of the influence of environmental conditions on the moisture of casting coke were carried out under conditions of storage in the open air on samples of size fractions of 40-60 mm, 60-80 mm, 80 mm and more. It has been established that the ash and strength influence its destruction during transportation of casting coke, and the decrease in ash content and the increase in strength lead to an increase in abrasion of foundry coke by 27.8% for coke of size fractions of 40-60 mm and 41.3% for coke of size fractions 60-80 mm. The most sensitive to moisture change during transportation is also foundry coke of size fractions of 60-80 mm - an increase in moisture in the foundry coke of size fractions of 60-80 mm is on average 26% higher than in coke of size fractions of 40-60 mm and 80 mm and more.


Foundry coke, quality, abrasion, moisture, tests, size fractions

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IDR: 148314013

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