The effect of the application of inorganic fertilizers under winter barley in the Karabakh region

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In terms of distribution and production in the world, barley ranks 4th among grains after wheat, rice and corn. The widespread use of barley in various fields (food, feed, brewing, etc.) distinguishes it from other cereals. Barley is an unpretentious, but at the same time valuable and cost-effective plant. Its ripening in a relatively short growing season, resistance to high temperatures, drought and salinity make it possible to cultivate it in many countries of the world. Barley grain contains 50-60% starch, 10-14% protein, 5.5% fiber and 2.1% fat. To obtain a high yield from autumn barley, it is necessary to fully satisfy its need for external life factors and create optimal living conditions; for this, it is necessary to carry out the necessary cultivation work in a timely manner. For the germination of autumn barley seeds, the minimum temperature should be +1°, +2°. Optimum temperature 20-25°C, maximum +35°, +40°C. Compared to winter wheat, autumn barley is less resistant to negative temperatures and winter. Therefore, it is impossible to grow it in regions with very harsh winters. The barley varieties cultivated in Azerbaijan tolerate temperatures of -14°, -16°C. The application of phosphorus fertilizers under the plow in the fall and as top dressing significantly increases the winter hardiness of plants.


Winter barley, crop yield, irrigation, fertilizers, sowing

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IDR: 14130106   |   DOI: 10.33619/2414-2948/102/28

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