Extracurricular work on physics at the present stage of education

Автор: Shamsetdinova L.Z., Galiullina G.A.

Журнал: Мировая наука @science-j

Рубрика: Основной раздел

Статья в выпуске: 9 (9), 2017 года.

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At the present stage of education, physical science has gone ahead and has quite a few practical applications, that a specially organized activity of the student should be aimed at ensuring that young people who graduated from school possess the basics of physics and have the necessary skills for their application in their future activities. This article examines one of the ways to improve the quality of education by conducting extracurricular activities in physics.

Physics, modern lesson, interest, knowledge, extracurricular activities

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140262977

IDR: 140262977

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