Foreign economic activity in Russia: key aspects of regulation and support of agroexport

Автор: Isaeva O.V.

Журнал: Вестник аграрной науки @vestnikogau

Рубрика: Экономические науки

Статья в выпуске: 4 (97), 2022 года.

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The article deals with the issues of state regulation of foreign economic activity, in particular export trade in agricultural products and agricultural raw materials, in order to find and substantiate the directions of its improvement. These issues are of particular relevance in the modern period, characterized by the aggravation of the sanctions struggle in international trade, geopolitical and foreign economic instability. In this period we see a constant change / adjustment of trade and customs legislation, the introduction of new restrictive measures, etc., as well as a change of international trading partners and sales markets. Russian government has set a course to expand its export presence in the foreign agri-food market. For these purposes, the priority project "Export of agricultural products" was worked out and implemented. As a result, our country has become a significant player in the foreign economic trade space, having leadership in grain exports. In order to maintain the achieved level in the export trade of agricultural raw materials and food, it is necessary to intensify measures to support participants in foreign trade activities. It is noted that the system of state support for export activities should include not only financial instruments (insurance of various risks, lending, provision of state guarantees, tax benefits), but also a non-financial component (exhibition and fair activities, consulting, training, analytics, trade and diplomatic support, etc.). It is important that the course towards the development of an export strategy for the development of the agricultural sector does not affect domestic consumption. In order to ensure food security and strengthen the economic potential of the country, state policy should ensure the growth of domestic production of high-quality agricultural products.


Foreign economic activity, exports, agri-food products, export support, foreign trade

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147238443   |   DOI: 10.17238/ISSN2587-666X.2022.4.89

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