Issues of formation and organization of branch information resources of the society in scientific researches of students

Бесплатный доступ

The article reveals the main arms and specificity of scientific research of students of the department of information and analytical activities of the Moscow State Linguistic University (MSLU), devoted to the formation and organization of branch information resources of the society. The topic of final qualifying works on the discipline “Branch Information Resources” is presented in detail, some aspects of the research issues which are related to terminology, classification, determining the composition and the specificity of individual branch resources, activities of various library-information and information-analytical institutions which are focused on the formation, organization, distribution information resources, as well as the creation of information products in Russia and abroad.


Students' research activities, library and information education, branch information resources, the formation and organization of information resources

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 144160023

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