Restorative treatment and rehabilitation of orthopaedic-and-traumatological patients at RISC RTO: results, opportunities, outlooks

Автор: Shevtsov V.I., Menshchikova I.A.

Журнал: Гений ортопедии @geniy-ortopedii

Статья в выпуске: 4, 2008 года.

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The social-and-economic aspect of rehabilitation, as an integral part of the process of health recovery of a patient with injuries and diseases of the locomotor apparatus, should be considered to be an advantage to the Ilizarov method from the moment of its formation. Last decades great attention at RISC "RTO" is paid to the processes of restorative treatment and rehabilitation. Owing to the fundamental studies performed at the Centre new technologies of physiotherapy, exercise therapy, manual therapy, HBO, psychotherapy, reflexotherapy, applied kinesiology, those of sanatorium-and-health resort treatment have been developing and introducing.


Rehabilitation, new technologies, physiotherapy, exercise therapy, manual therapy, hbo, psychotherapy, reflexotherapy, applied kinesiology, sanatorium-and-health resort treatment

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