The cultivation of eastern galega in the conditions of forest-steppe of the Central Chernozem region

Автор: Pigorev I.Ya., Dolgopolova N.V., Shomina E.Yu.

Журнал: Вестник аграрной науки @vestnikogau

Рубрика: Сельскохозяйственные науки

Статья в выпуске: 6 (69), 2017 года.

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Fodder production in the Central Chernozem region is an integral part of farming systems. The growth of feed production is carried out in close correlation with the increase in grain production, technical and other crops. Over the last decade food production decreased, its energy consumption increased, while livestock productivity decreased as well. The cultivation technology of many crops changed. It became expensive as well as crop production, the fertility of fields decreases, there is a lack of biological fertilizers, the efficiency of agriculture and, consequently, fodder production fall. Perennial legumes allow to change the situation with foodstuff for the better. One of them is Eastern galega. The data series characterizes the amount of root and plant residues of these crops as well as nutrients entering the soil with them. Valuable and biological properties of this culture are the macrobiosis and winter resistance of this crop, and foodstuff made of Eastern galega. is very nutritious. 1 kg of air-dry substance contains 168 g of digestible protein and 0.65-0.75 of fodder units, that can be used for making hay and haylage. Sowing with spacing of 5 and 30 cm and a seeding rate of 3 and 4 million PCs/ha of seeds provides the highest nutritional fodder value, and root residues and stubble by the fourth cultivation year accumulate in the soil up to 188 kg/ha of nitrogen, 37 kg/ha of phosphorus, and 73 kg/ha of potassium. The cultivation of Eastern galega on Chernozem soils according to the recommended technology helps to provide livestock forage and reduce costs of the fodder produced of Eastern galega due to the long use of crops for commercial purposes. The duration of economic use of Eastern galega is 7-8 years, but it can grow in one place up to 15 years.


Eastern galega, production technology, row-width spacing, seeding rates, planting methods

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IDR: 147124481   |   DOI: 10.15217/issn2587-666X.2017.6.31

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