Age features the slow wave variabilities of a rhythm of heart and psychophysiological indicators of pupils-participants is intellectual-game training for all

Автор: Bykov E.V., Ryazantsev A.V., Mekeshkin E.A., Kazakova O.A.

Журнал: Человек. Спорт. Медицина @hsm-susu

Рубрика: Интегративная физиология

Статья в выпуске: 20 (153), 2009 года.

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In work features of some psychophysiological indicators and characteristics of a rhythm of heart of pupils of younger classes-participants of the program is intellectual-game training for all are presented.

Neyrovegetative regulation, psychophysiological indicators, variability of a rhythm of heart

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147152572

Статья научная