Choosing a dynamic risk management model

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The current state of the corporate IT sector requires a new approach to risk management, as trends in the external environment are increasingly becoming negative. This situation creates the need to form a mechanism for choosing the most appropriate dynamic risk management model. The purpose of the study is to form recommendations on the choice of a suitable dynamic risk management model for an IT corporation. The research methods include comparative analysis, comparative analysis, and the Churchman-Akkoff method. The result of the study is recommendations on the choice of a dynamic risk management model for an IT corporation. The authors conclude that the choice of a dynamic risk management model should be based on significant criteria that reflect the needs of a particular IT company in risk management.


Risk, risk management, dynamic risk management model, it corporations, corporate sector of the economy

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170206701   |   DOI: 10.24412/2411-0450-2024-10-2-101-104

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