Transosseous osteosynthesis technique in treatment of diaphyseal fractures of shin bones

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Objective: The study of bone tissue repair in different conditions of stability of transosseous fixation (techniques of treatment) of injuries of bones of the shin. Material and methods: Analysis of treatment of 74 patients with unstable diaphyseal fractures of bones of the shin, with the use of different methods of osteosynthesis is carried out. Results: An optimal method of combined transosseous osteosynthesis for treatment of victims with unstable fractures of bones of the shin is offered. Conclusion: A complex approach to the decision of the available problems is offered, consisting in a combination of the use of different types of transosseous elements in the external fixation device which allows to improve results of treatment and to reduce disability period


Fracture, skin, transosseous, combined osteosynthesis

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14917487

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