Detection and identification of quarantine and non-quarantine pest species of Prunus avium agroecosystem in Kyrgyzstan

Автор: Midinova E., Samieva Zh.

Журнал: Бюллетень науки и практики @bulletennauki

Рубрика: Сельскохозяйственные науки

Статья в выпуске: 2 т.10, 2024 года.

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Research of agroecosystem is a comprehensive study of one species with in biocenosis taking into account integrated plant protection to increase output. Gardeners in developing countries most often resort to the use of highly toxic universal pesticides, which leads to the Pesticide Syndrome with general decline of these products. The purpose of the research is to identify fauna of the cherry orchard in the south of Kyrgyzstan to apply eco-methods to control pest of stone fruits. Research objectives: 1) identification of organisms in the agrocenosis of the cherry orchard; 2) classification into biological groups; 3) comparison of the experimental and control fields. Our work was carried out in the autumn and spring periods on 2 experimental fields in the South of Kyrgyzstan for 2021-2022. The identified fauna species comprised of 26 species, which are: Coleoptera (26.9%) the largest order; followed by Lepidoptera and Equidoptera (Homoptera) (19.2%); and Hymenoptera (15.4%). The others are less than 10%: Diptera (7.7%); Acariformes; Hemiptera; Neuroptera (3.8%). At the same time, Coleoptera (26.9%) and Lepidoptera pests make up the bulk of the biomass of the agrocenosis of cherry orchard (19.2%) which dominants and most harmful. The research field no. 1 with annual pesticide load has 20% quarantine pest species with no zoophages among identified species. Whereas non-pesticide-treated field no. 2, no quarantine species, there is biocontrol and with richer biodiversity where trophic relationships is preserved.


Orchards, pest insects, pest mites, quarantine pests, non-quarantine pests, pesticide load

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IDR: 14129871   |   DOI: 10.33619/2414-2948/99/12

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