Identifying trends of changes in biochemical indicators of blood during metabolic disorders in highly productive cows

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The purpose of research is to identify changes in the biochemical composition of the blood in highly productive cows of the Simmental breed during metabolic changes depending on the physiological state. To diagnose and correct metabolic processes in the body of highly productive animals, studies of biochemical blood parameters were carried out, the results of which revealed that significant deviations from the norm occurred during the dry period, which can also be traced during the milking period. During this period, the cow mobilizes more actively the amount of its fat reserves, but the liver does not have time to process them. According to the results obtained, a significant decrease in the amount of glucose in the blood of sick animals was revealed to 2.08 mmol/l, which was below the extreme limits of the physiological norm by 0.42 mmol/l after 10 days after calving; therefore, fat is not processed into energy and metabolic disorders develop. According to the results of a biochemical blood test, the number of ketone bodies in the experimental group exceeds the norm and varies depending on the physiological state of the animals, ranging from 1.12 to 1.35 mmol/l, which indicates a disruption of metabolic processes in the body and a decrease in the quality of the resulting products. An increase in the rate of fat mobilization leads to an increase in the level of SFA in the blood, which was revealed in a blood test. According to blood parameters, a strong increase in the indicator was noted during the first study 2 months before calving by 1.07 and 0.45 mEq/ml a month before calving. It can be assumed that the increase in this indicator in the experimental group is associated with glucose deficiency.


Biochemical parameters, metabolic changes, subclinical ketosis, simmental breed, nonesterified fatty acids, ketone bodies

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140304261   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2023-12-154-161

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