University-industry interaction: evolution, necessity, barriers and prospects

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The main aim of the presented research article is to find solution to existing problems in the field of interaction between university and industry. This aim is achieved by solving the following tasks: 1) analysis of the situation in the field of interaction between the university and business/industry 2) focusing attention on the need for cooperation between universities and industry and identifying key barriers to their interaction 3) looking into the formats of interaction between the universities and business/industry 4) formulating suggestions on improving new generation of «triple helix» - «screw spiral» and its influence on the cooperation between university and business/industry. The article is aimed at providing grounds for the need for new model of interaction between universities and industry based on statistical and historical data. Gathering analytical data on the current state of affairs in the field of research and academic potential allowed for forming stable opinion concerning the need for changing the model of interaction between universities and industry. This monitoring allowed for identifying weak points and focusing attention on the development of interaction between key actors suggests a new model which would meet modern requirements. The aim of this article can be reached by conducting overall analysis of existing literature, summing up necessary knowledge on interaction between universities and industrial sector; analysis of the need for interaction, key barriers and formats of interacting with the aim of formulating suggestions which would facilitate cooperation and identify the most effective patterns of partnership. This analysis covers the following documents: information and analytical sources, preceding research, international research organizations data, historical documents. The results of the research article prove the relevance of transforming the concept of a four-stage spiral into a new model of interaction between universities and industrial sector based on conducted analysis of relationship development between industry and universities, barriers in conducting partnership activities and the need for such cooperation, as well as the analysis of three-stage and four-stage spirals. The article can serve as an analytical material for university executives willing to enhance cooperation with industry according to regional requirements, as well as understand the situation in this sphere and create favorable environment for developing partner relations (for example, in the entrepreneurial sphere). Key limitation for this research is the inability to present the results of screw spiral design for Russian universities because of insufficient level of completeness of the model. This research should be continued in the field of completing screw spiral and is implementation and development in the field of university and industry interaction. The results of the research presented in this article can be useful for industrial sector development in the regions by means of creating university-industry interaction and considering possible barriers and priority development sphere. This article might be particularly interesting for the universities that have necessary resources (material, intellectual, technical) and whose main aim is to establish university as the driver of territory development for the region where they are situated. Originality of the article is in detailed analysis of interaction between universities and industry, formulating the need for such partnership, reviewing key barriers and ways of possible cooperation establishment. The topic presented has not yet been sufficiently analyzed so far; this fact makes the research particularly relevant.


University-industry integration, triple helix, higher education, regional development

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IDR: 142227272   |   DOI: 10.15826/umpa.2018.03.027

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