Interdependence of indicators of coordination readiness of primary school students

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Annotation. The results of the analysis of scientific and methodological literature allow us to state an important general feature of the structuring of the technology of organizing experimental work, which suggests the mandatory conduct of preliminary studies in order to determine the current state of personal characteristics of primary school students of general education institutions developed on the basis of the implementation of their physical education programs. This article describes the regularities of the interdependence of generalized indicators of the level of development of individual manifestations of coordination orientation, the ability to differentiate, reproduce and measure the parameters of movements that characterize the combined influence of any two of them on the third, which was revealed based on the calculation of multiple correlation coefficients. The aim of the study is to determine the interdependence of the generalized indicators of the formation of the components of the coordination readiness of primary school children, which characterize the significant developmental impact of any two of these signs on the third. Research methods: analysis of scientific and methodological literature, pedagogical testing, tensometry, dynamometry, psychophysiological testing, methods of mathematical statistics. The results of the study. As a result of the conducted research, a significant interdependence of various options for combining the parameters of the two generalized indicators of the components of the coordination abilities of younger schoolchildren was established in connection with their joint positive influence on the parameters of the third. The main results of the study include: evidence of the autonomy of the basic components of the coordination readiness of students in the context of the lack of their relationship in the entire age range from 7 to 10 years, obtained in the course of the study; the established levels of the joint influence of the two studied signs of coordination abilities of children aged 7-10 years on the parameters of the third, identified in 25% of the studied cases; data describing the joint influence of the two components of the coordination readiness of children aged 7-10 years on the third, creating prerequisites for the development of new, in fact, innovative procedural and technological approaches to the formation and development of these most important personal characteristics of younger schoolchildren.


Interdependence, correlation coefficient, coordination readiness, primary school students

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142226864

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