The relationship between the bolshevik government and religious sects at the initial stage of building soviet statehood

Автор: Egorov Sergey Anatolyevich

Журнал: Bulletin Social-Economic and Humanitarian Research @bulletensocial

Статья в выпуске: 15 (17), 2022 года.

Бесплатный доступ

The article deals with the state policy of the Soviet government in relation to religious sectarianism in the period from 1917 to 1926. The lower chronological limit of 1917 is due to the October Revolution and the subsequent formation of Soviet statehood. The upper limit - 1926, is associated with the adoption by the party leadership of the theses "Sectarianism and anti-religious propaganda" during the meeting on anti-religious propaganda at the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks on April 27-30, 1926. The outcome of the congress was a radical change in state policy towards religious sects. In the first years of Soviet power, the Bolsheviks were interested in finding potential allies among individual representatives of nontraditional religious groups, socially and ideologically close to the communist ideology. Based on the analysis of historical documents, normative legal acts, the article describes the short-term experience of economic cooperation between the Bolshevik government and certain currents of Russian sectarianism.


Soviet power, sectarianism, religious policy, bolshevism

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14123817   |   DOI: 10.52270/26585561_2022_15_17_3

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