Relationship of employment of labour resources and stimulation of import-substituting growth in Republic of Tajikistan

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In this article through the prism of empirical analysis of employment of labor resources of Republic of Tajikistan are determined the real loss of social and economic development of the country. Research of cause and effect relationship of low employment of labor recourses, import and migration dependence of national economy allowed to find their relationship with the consequences of transformation crisis of miss production in Republic of Tajikistan. That is why, the decision of marked burning problems of national economic importance it is necessary to solve in interrelationship and tight interconnection. In addition it is necessary to take into consideration that only quantitative increase of job places is not sufficient for import-substituting growth. There fore, in expansion of use of labor resources in expanding industry needs to create conditions and to develop measures of improving the quality of labor resources and productivity.


Labour resources, import-substituting growth, import dependence, migration dependence, labor productivity, deindustrialization of employment, stagnation of production

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IDR: 14915249

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