Wheat can acclimate to seawater by pretreatment with kinetin and spermine through osmotic adjustment and solutes allocation

Автор: Aldesuquy Heshmat S., Baka Zakaria A., Mickky Berdees M.

Журнал: Журнал стресс-физиологии и биохимии @jspb

Статья в выпуске: 3 т.9, 2013 года.

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A key issue in salt adaptation is the osmotic adjustment, therefore, during ear emergence the effect of exogenous application of kinetin and spermine on osmotic pressure (OP) and solutes allocation (total soluble sugars, total soluble nitrogen, proline, organic acids and inorganic ions (Na +, K +, Ca 2+, Mg 2+ and Cl -) were quantified in flag leaf of wheat plants irrigated by seawater at 25%. Seawater salinity induced significant increase in osmotic pressure. Furthermore, seawater stress induced marked increase in total soluble sugars, total soluble nitrogen, proline, organic acids, as well as Na +, K +, Ca ++, Mg ++, Cl - and P +++ in wheat flag leaf. On the other hand, seawater decreased SPR, SAR and PAR in flag leaves of wheat plants. Grain priming with kinetin, spermine or their interaction appeared to mitigate the ill effect of seawater on wheat plants by increasing its own capability to be more tolerant against seawater salinity by inducing additional increase in osmotic pressure and the osmolytes concentrations in flag leaf during ear emergence. Moreover, the effect was more pronounced with the interaction of kinetin and spermine treatment.


Compatible solutes, kinetin, osmotic adjustment, seawater, spermine, wheat

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14323764

IDR: 14323764

Список литературы Wheat can acclimate to seawater by pretreatment with kinetin and spermine through osmotic adjustment and solutes allocation

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