Working conditions and occupational risks of migrant women (CTM textile factory case study)

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Introduction. Gender inequality in the workplace is not a new phenomenon, yet gender differences in working conditions and womenʼs involvement in the workplace are poorly understood. Women are often discriminated against in the workplace and their working conditions and wages are substandard. On their own, they are not always able to improve their working and social life and achieve better protection at work. This study aims to explore the working conditions and risks faced by migrant women working in one of the oldest and largest STM textile factories in Jammu and Kashmir, India.

Women migrants, working conditions of women migrants, gender discrimination, womenʼs occupational risks

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IDR: 147243834   |   DOI: 10.15507/2413-1407.127.032.202402.263-277

Список литературы Working conditions and occupational risks of migrant women (CTM textile factory case study)

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