Lung cancer morbidity among population of the Tomsk region

Автор: Pisareva L.F., Odintsova I.N., Vorobjev V.A., Ananina O.A., Zhuikova L.D., Choynzonov E.L.

Журнал: Сибирский онкологический журнал @siboncoj

Рубрика: Клинические исследования

Статья в выпуске: 4 (52), 2012 года.

Бесплатный доступ

Evaluation of lung cancer morbidity in the Tomsk region during the period of 2001-2010 has been done in the given paper. In the structure of the morbidity rate with malignant neoplasms lung cancer takes the first place (19,7 %) in men and the ninth one (5,1 %) in women. Among men the specific weight of a disease in the age structure of malignant neoplasms increases from 5,6 % in patients aged 30-34 to 27,7 % at the age of 55-59 and decreases to 11,5 % at the age of 85 and older. In women the share of a diseases in the structure of oncopathology seems to be maximal in the age group of 75-79 years and minimal in patients aged 35-39 (1,5 %). The mean age of the diseased is lower than in the Russian Federation on average, being 63,8 years in men and 67,5 years in women. A decrease of the given index by 0,9 year in men and by 1,0 year in women is noted in dynamics that testifies to the morbidity among population of the Tomsk region is considerably higher than in the Russian Federation on average. In case of the dynamics trend mentioned above, the standardized ratio can amount to 35,8 by 100 thousand people in 2018 г.


Lung cancer, tomsk region, morbidity

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14056237

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