Physical education and sports as a way to combat bad habits

Автор: Tikhonovich M.I.

Журнал: Автономия личности @avtonomiya-lichnosti

Рубрика: Физическая безопасность личности

Статья в выпуске: 2 (32), 2024 года.

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The relevance of the article is due to the widespread spread of bad habits, which negatively affects the health of society as a whole. In order to maintain the harmonious functioning of the state, it is necessary that all citizens lead a healthy lifestyle, which just involves giving up bad habits. The best method of dealing with various types of addictions is sports and physical education. To date, the most common bad habits are: alcohol consumption, smoking, gambling, Internet addiction is becoming increasingly dangerous. The article identifies the main causes of bad habits (social environment, dopamine production, stress control, curiosity, innate inclination and genetic predisposition), delimits the definitions of sports and physical culture, and develops recommendations for the implementation of methods of physical culture and sports to combat bad habits. The conclusion is made about the advantage of the method prevention before dealing with an existing addiction.


Physical education, sports, bad habits, healthy lifestyle, health, physical activity

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