Protection of environmental rights of citizens by bodies of constitutional judicial control in Russia and the Republic of Iraq

Бесплатный доступ

The article is devoted to the study of the protection of citizens’ rights in the field of environmental protection by the body of constitutional judicial control in Russia and the Republic of Iraq. The author analyzes the legal regulation and mechanism of constitutional judicial control in Russia and the Republic of Iraq to protect the rights of citizens in the field of environmental protection, and also conducts a comparative analysis of this human rights mechanism between the two countries. The article concludes that currently Russia and the Republic guarantee their citizens the opportunity to protect the right to a favorable environment by bodies of constitutional judicial control, which include the Constitutional Court of Russia and the Federal Supreme Court of the Republic of Iraq. Based on the results of the study, the author of the article identifies common and distinctive features of the protection of citizens’ rights in the field of environmental protection by constitutional judicial control bodies, identifies problems and conflicts existing in the legal regulation of both states and formulates proposals for their resolution.


Constitutional control, environment, right to a favorable environment, bodies of constitutional control

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14130627   |   DOI: 10.47629/2074-9201_2024_2_64_69

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