Protection of property rights from state interference: analysis and prospects of reforms in Russia

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The article is devoted to the urgent problem of protecting property rights from state interference in the Russian Federation. The paper analyzes normative acts, judicial practice and real-life examples of citizens' interaction with government agencies in the context of the protection of property rights. The main attention is paid to the problems related to the concept of a bona fide acquirer, the limitation period for vindication and issues of confiscation and requisition. The author suggests looking at these problems as opportunities for improving the legal system and improving its effectiveness. The article also discusses successful practices of protecting property rights and the possibility of their application in Russian conditions. The author concludes that, despite certain difficulties, the Russian legal system has the potential for development and improvement in the interests of citizens.


Protection of property rights, government intervention, bona fide acquirer, limitation period, confiscation, requisition, public-private partnership

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170204862   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-4-2-11-14

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