Head of a modern university department: changes in the composition and content of activity

Автор: Reznik Semen D., Sazykina Olga A.

Журнал: Университетское управление: практика и анализ @umj-ru

Рубрика: Кадры вуза

Статья в выпуске: 5, 2016 года.

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The article falls under research category and contains results of a monitoring of the composition and content of modern Russian university department heads. The aim of the article is to analyze the changes in the composition, describe the ways of improving efficacy of managerial activities of department heads on the basis of changes in activity priorities. Methodical approach. In order to evaluate peculiarities of department heads activities the article provides a comparative analysis of the contents of their activities based on special monitoring conducted by the authors in 2003 and 2015. The aim of the monitoring is to evaluate the changes in the composition and content of Russian department heads and identify measures necessary for organizing effective department activities as a key element of university management system. Monitoring conducted in 2015 covered 350 department heads from 24 universities from different cities. Research experts team included 30 experienced representatives of university management from 20Russian universities. Results. Monitoring results demonstrated significant changes in the department heads composition and form a general vision of a modern Russian university department head. We should mention extremely unfavorable age characteristics of department heads, their ageing and negative influence of this process on dynamics and chair management, creation of strategic personnel pool for perspective deans and rectors. At the same time monitoring results demonstrate that department heads have significantly higher academic potential and managerial experience than in 2003. Based on the results of interviews with department heads and experts the authors suggest measures for improving efficacy of department management in the following areas: strengthening the role of departments in university management system, office work rationalization, improving qualification, workload stabilization, improvement of department heads salary system, etc. Limitations and possible consequences of the research. Russian education system reform brings considerable changes to the composition and content of department head activities at Russian universities. That requires systematic monitoring of composition and content of department heads activities at different levels. One can conduct such monitorings on the basis of designed and tested questionnaire allowing to describe department heads according to such criteria as age, gender, marital status, academic and teaching experience, years at the university, years as a department head, academic degree and title, upgrading qualification, etc., as well as in such areas as chair personnel management; department functional processes management; organization of own work process, etc. Such monitorings allow for identifying reserves for improving department heads activities, identifying strategic areas to concentrate on during organization of teaching process, academic activities as well as cultural and didactic work with students. Value and originality of the article. Materials of the article containing results of specific research in particular in the field of peculiarities and ways of improving department heads activities are of interest to department heads and those they interact with: rectors, vice rectors, deans and lecturers.


Department, a head of a department, university

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/142227158

IDR: 142227158

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