The health of the nation as a political factor in the development of the state

Автор: Poryvaeva O.V.

Журнал: Власть @vlast

Рубрика: Идеи и смыслы

Статья в выпуске: 2, 2024 года.

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An individual’s desire to change sex caused by gender dysphoria in the modern world becomes a serious obstacle to state development, aggravates the demographic crisis and worsens the quality of human potential. The drug effect has negative consequences for the patient’s body due to the non-physiologically high dosage, suppression of genetically determined sexual functions and activation in this regard of processes that are not characteristic of sex. This article draws attention to the possible complications and risks associated with feminizing and masculinizing therapy and what consequences this may lead to for humanity as a whole.


Political development of state, health of nation, demographic crisis, human potential, gender dysphoria, hormonal therapy

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170204450   |   DOI: 10.24412/2071-5358-2024-2-212-214

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