Women's clothing from the Buryats in the second half of the XIX - beginning of XX century

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This article is devoted to the study of ethnoterritorial specifics in the women's clothing Buryats the second half of the XIX - beginning of XX century on various materials (archival, literary, museum and field). The study was carried out on such ethnoterritorial groups, as Baikal, Sayan, Selenga and Aga Buryats. As a result, were identified changes that have occurred in the period under review in the women's clothing each of the above-mentioned groups. Highlighted a range of factors, which have influenced the development of women's clothes complex. The most strongly felt the influence of Russian (folk and city) culture in the women's clothing Baikal Buryats. Clothing Aga and Selenga Buryats was more conservative.


Buryats, baikal, east sayan, transbaikalia, ethno-territorial groups, women's clothing complex

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14737832

IDR: 14737832

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