The importance of culture in the formation of a complexly developed personality

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Global economic downturn is only a consequence of the crisis of culture and morality that has reached its critical point. The personnel of contemporary companies and firms lack creativity, having frequently become an appendage for computers, machinery and all sorts of mechanisms. Education has been dominated by technical direction only; it cannot prepare modern engineers who would be able to generate innovative breakthrough ideas, inventions and technologies which would provide abrupt economic expansion and would interrupt the sequence of global economic crises. One of the ways to increase future technicians’ creative potential is shown in this article. The idea proved in this article is that the increasing of children’s and adolescents’ social-and cultural level (in particular, by introducing them into decorative and applied arts) promotes intelligence growth and formation of a complexly developed personality.


Civilization, downturn, economic expansion, humanism, individuality, culture, creativity, technological revolution, decorative and applied arts

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IDR: 148102098

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