The importance of specific characteristics of the crimes committed using explosives

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Forensic analysis of explosives is impossible apart from a brief description of crimes with their use. It appears that in order to define one generic group, which would include all crimes, committed with the use of explosives, one must understand what links these crimes, having a different object of assault. From our point of view, these crimes can be grouped on the ground that here a target of crime or an instrument of crime are items containing explosives. In the context of our research, some ammunition (except small arms ammunition), explosive devices, explosive substances, fireworks should be identified as such items. These items are the object of study of such branch of forensic technology as forensic of explosives. In most textbooks on criminology published in the last 10 years, forensic of explosives is defined as the branch of forensic technology, that studies the principles of reflection and information uptake on the origin and use of explosive devices, explosives. Forensic of explosives develops techniques, methods and means of detection, fixation, seizure and study of the named objects and tracks of their use for purposes of crime disclosure and investigation.


Explosive object, ammunition, explosives, explosive devices

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IDR: 142233786

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