A Framework for Selection of Membership Function Using Fuzzy Rule Base System for the Diagnosis of Heart Disease
Автор: Manisha Barman, J Paul Chaudhury
Журнал: International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science(IJITCS) @ijitcs
Статья в выпуске: 11 Vol. 5, 2013 года.
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Today’s technology prediction of a heart disease using intelligent system is a real challenge to modern technology. In this paper different membership functions using a fuzzy rule based system for the diagnosis of the heart disease has been presented. The system has seven inputs .These are Chest pain type, resting blood pressure in mm(Trestbps),Serum cholesterol in mg(Chol),numbers of years as a smoker(years), fasting of blood sugar(fbs), maximum heart rate achieved(thalrest), resting blood rate(tpeakbps). The angiographic disease status of heart of patients has been recorded as an output. It is to mention that the diagnosis of heart disease by angiographic disease status is assigned by a number between 0 to 1,that number indicates whether the heart attack is mild or massive. Here an effort has been made to decide suitable membership function for proper diagnosis of heart disease.Different membership functions used are triangular, trapezoidal, Gaussian ,Z shaped, bell shaped ,sigmoid based ,Gaussians combination membership functions. Based on the minimum value of absolute residual the particular membership function can be decided using the fuzzy rule base system for the proper diagnosis heart disease status of a patient.
Fuzzy Logic, Membership Function, Fuzzy Rule Base System
Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/15011992
IDR: 15011992
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