A Hybrid Artificial Bee Colony and Harmony Search Algorithm to Generate Covering Arrays for Pair-wise Testing
Автор: Priti Bansal, Sangeeta Sabharwal, Nitish Mittal
Журнал: International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications(IJISA) @ijisa
Статья в выпуске: 8, 2017 года.
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Combinatorial Interaction Testing (CIT) is a cost effective testing technique that aims to detect interaction faults generated as a result of interaction between components or parameters in a software system. CIT requires the generation of effective test sets that cover all possible t-way (t denotes the strength of testing) interactions between parameters. Covering array (CA) and mixed covering array (MCA) are often used to represent test sets. This paper presents a hybrid algorithm that integrates artificial bee colony algorithm (ABC) and harmony search algorithm (HS) to construct CAs for testing all 2-way interactions (pair-wise testing) in software systems. The performance of the proposed hybrid algorithm ABCHS-CAG is compared and analyzed by performing experiments on a set of benchmark problems on pair-wise testing. The results show that ABCHS-CAG generates smaller CAs than its greedy counterparts whereas its performance is comparable to the existing state-of-the-art meta-heuristic algorithms.
Covering array, pair-wise testing, artificial bee colony, harmony search
Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/15010958
IDR: 15010958
Список литературы A Hybrid Artificial Bee Colony and Harmony Search Algorithm to Generate Covering Arrays for Pair-wise Testing
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