A regularized Levenberg-Marquardt type method applied to the structural inverse gravity problem in a multilayer medium and its parallel realization

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The structural inverse gravity problem in a multilayer medium is one of the most important geophysics problem. Until recently, the problem was reduced to the separation of gravitational fields and the restoration ofunknown layers independently. Now the methods are in demand that allow find unknown layers simultaneously. For solving Urysohn integral equation of the first kind describing the problem regularized algorithmsLevenberg-Marquardt type with weight factors are investigated. A new Levenberg-Marquardt type methodbased on Levenberg-Marquardt scheme is proposed. A regularized Levenberg-Marquardt type method comparedwith classic Levenberg-Marquardt method. For classic Levenberg-Marquardt method some computationaloptimizations are offered. The numerical experiments using model gravitational data allow to compareconvergence rates, relative errors and program execution times of classic Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm andLevenberg-Marquardt method. The parallel programs implementing the algorithms are developed using CUDAand OpenMP technologies.


Tikhonov regularization scheme, integral urysohn type equation of first kind, regularized levenberg-marquardt method, regularized levenberg-marquardt type method, inverse gravimetry multilayerproblem

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/147160625

IDR: 147160625   |   DOI: 10.14529/cmse170301

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