A tale of two cities: historical narratives in the Russian and Chinese urban landscapes

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The present paper is part of a broader research “Language of a Big City: Media Urban Discourse in Russia and China”. Its theoretical basis is situated in the contact zone between narratology, critical discourse analysis, semiotics and urban communication studies. The investigation is carried out on the example of two big non-capital cities - Volgograd and Tianjin, which represent the social processes typical of modern urban communities. The research model used for the study includes the following dimensions: 1) types of urban narratives; 2) narrator; 3) audience (reader / listener / viewer); 4) plot; 5) time; 6) space; 7) typesofsemiotic signs; 8) intertextual connections. Theinvestigation proceeds from the idea about the textuality of the human mind, as well as the narrative ways of reality and identity construction. Multiple narratives can provide different urban history interpretations. Politicians use narratives to appropriate or reshape the past and the present as a common form of manipulation. Aspecific featureof urban historical narratives is that they do not possess fixed temporal boundaries and change due to the dynamics of urban social life. We argue that the stories that shape memories in the minds of general public are condensed versions of historical narratives based on the most intensely remembered facts, coloured with emotions and intensified by visual images, impressions and intertextual links. This idea emphasises the social responsibility of the creators of modern urban narratives in their different forms. The perspective of the research is to investigate the connection of these processes with Russian and Chinese mentality, values, logic ofmeaning-making and linguistic expression.


Urban landscape, media urban communication, historical memories, narrative, semiotic signs, Russia, china

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/149131557

IDR: 149131557   |   DOI: 10.15688/jvolsu2.2020.2.7

Список литературы A tale of two cities: historical narratives in the Russian and Chinese urban landscapes

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