A Web-Based Skin Disease Diagnosis Using Convolutional Neural Networks
Автор: Samuel Akyeramfo-Sam, Acheampong Addo Philip, Derrick Yeboah, Nancy Candylove Nartey, Isaac Kofi Nti
Журнал: International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science @ijitcs
Статья в выпуске: 11 Vol. 11, 2019 года.
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Skin diseases are reported to be the most common disease in humans among all age groups and a significant root of infection in sub-Saharan Africa. The diagnosis of skin diseases using conventional approaches involves several tests. Due to this, the diagnosis process is seen to be intensely laborious, time-consuming and requires an extensive understanding of the domain. The enhancement of computer vision through artificial intelligence has led to a more straightforward and quicker way of detecting patterns in images, which can be harnessed to equip diagnosis process. Despite the breakthrough in technology, the dermatological process in Ghana is yet to be automated, making the diagnosis process complicated and time-consuming. Hence, this study sought to propose a web-based skin disease detection system named medilab-plus using a convolutional neural network classifier built upon the Tensorflow framework for detecting (atopic dermatitis, acne vulgaris, and scabies) skin diseases. Experimental results of the proposed system exhibited classification accuracy of 88% for atopic dermatitis, 85% for acne vulgaris, and 84.7% for scabies. Again, the computational time (0.0001 seconds) of the proposed system implies that any dermatologist, who decides to implement this study, can attend to not less than 1,440 patients a day compared to the manual diagnosis process. It is estimated that the proposed system will enhance accuracy and offer fasting diagnosis results than the traditional method, which makes this system a trustworthy and resourceful for dermatological disease detection. Additionally, the system can serve as a realtime learning platform for students studying dermatology in medical schools in Ghana.
Skin disease detection, Expert-system, Convolutional neural network, Tensorflow, Atopic dermatitis, Acne vulgaris, Scabies
Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/15017087
IDR: 15017087 | DOI: 10.5815/ijitcs.2019.11.06
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