Active leisure park as a form of family weekend vacation

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The article is devoted to such a form of spending free time in the family as tourism. The article provides justification, correctness and projects the results of such a pastime. The organization of family leisure by means of recreational technologies is a purposefully organized process that involves the implementation of activities in free time in accordance with the needs of each family member. The article discusses in detail one of the ways to spend free time together. Forms of family leisure activities are hiking, excursions, competitions, sports, and entertainment events. Sport, physical culture, and tourism are the most important means of influencing the family are:. Using a variety of games, communication trainings, entertainment events and other mass forms of recreation allows you to develop a certain type of life activity that contributes the effective realization of human functions, such us: recreation, recuperation, choice of values and priorities, strengthening spiritual and physical health, the result of which is the restoration of physical and mental balance of a person. Tourism and hiking are one of the forms of active recreation, the effective use of free time for health promotion. They contribute the development of perseverance, endurance, prevention of cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. Going in for sports is also a necessary attribute in the organization of family leisure. Organization of family activities includes: the development of a comprehensive program of family entertainment by means of recreative technologies; the use of a variety of recreative technologies in the organization of family leisure; joint developing activity of children and adults; availability of a competent specialist in the organization of family leisure by means of recreational technologies, the result of which is the restoration of the physical and mental balance of the person.


Leisure, tourism, park, active leisure, theme park

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140249835   |   DOI: 10.24411/1995-042X-2020-10204

Список литературы Active leisure park as a form of family weekend vacation

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