Теоретические аспекты экономики и туристского сервиса. Рубрика в журнале - Сервис в России и за рубежом

Публикации в рубрике (72): Теоретические аспекты экономики и туристского сервиса
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Active leisure park as a form of family weekend vacation

Active leisure park as a form of family weekend vacation

Khamadeeva Zulfiya A., Borneman Elena P.

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The article is devoted to such a form of spending free time in the family as tourism. The article provides justification, correctness and projects the results of such a pastime. The organization of family leisure by means of recreational technologies is a purposefully organized process that involves the implementation of activities in free time in accordance with the needs of each family member. The article discusses in detail one of the ways to spend free time together. Forms of family leisure activities are hiking, excursions, competitions, sports, and entertainment events. Sport, physical culture, and tourism are the most important means of influencing the family are:. Using a variety of games, communication trainings, entertainment events and other mass forms of recreation allows you to develop a certain type of life activity that contributes the effective realization of human functions, such us: recreation, recuperation, choice of values and priorities, strengthening spiritual and physical health, the result of which is the restoration of physical and mental balance of a person. Tourism and hiking are one of the forms of active recreation, the effective use of free time for health promotion. They contribute the development of perseverance, endurance, prevention of cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. Going in for sports is also a necessary attribute in the organization of family leisure. Organization of family activities includes: the development of a comprehensive program of family entertainment by means of recreative technologies; the use of a variety of recreative technologies in the organization of family leisure; joint developing activity of children and adults; availability of a competent specialist in the organization of family leisure by means of recreational technologies, the result of which is the restoration of the physical and mental balance of the person.


An integral-geographic model for tourism potential assessment

An integral-geographic model for tourism potential assessment

Safarian Azat A.

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Potential estimation is one of the most fundamental areas of all tourism studies, and it is critical for emerging markets especially when it comes to the planning and organizing of tourism development and functioning destination management organizations. There exist many potential estimation methods, and no single one is superior to the other. For our research however, we choose the assessment model based on the experiences of other researchers adopting the same, and the suitability and uniqueness of our geographical region of study, which is Armenia. Tourism potential assessment will help Armenian tourism organizations avoid general tourism misleads. This research focuses on one of Armenia’s ten regions, the results will be used to model similar expected results for the other nine regions. The chosen model will scrutinize the chosen region for all tourism potential. The author evaluates 572 main tourist attractions in the Syunik region of south Armenia. by the tourism attractiveness, the geographical locations and inherent value. The results of these assessments made it possible to draw conclusions about reasons for spatial inequalities among tourism attractions and possibilities of tourism potential to affect them. The author gives recommendation to create center for tourism based on ecological reasons and the nature of the region’s mountain valleys.


Circular tourism concept model

Circular tourism concept model

Mishulina Svetlana I.

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The research is aimed at developing a concept model for the circular economy in tourism based on the analysis of domestic and foreign studies on the circular economy principles' adoption issues and existing practices for their implementation in business processes of tourist sector participants. The proposed model is a systematic approach to circular tourism (CT) treated as an organic part of nature ecosystem and a structural element of regional and national circular economy. The nature-like, closed-loop, circular relationships between the system elements are ensured by long-term circular chains of the tourist product creation, where every participant is considered (in addition to its main function in the chain) as a producer of value-based multidimensional benefits. The main principle of intra-sectoral and inter-sectoral interaction is to increase the socio-ecological and economic value of initial inputs throughout the entire life cycle of complex tourist product through the introduction of eco-innovations and business models that meet the principles of circular framework and ensure diversification and multiple effective application as initial resources and manufactured products, minimizing all forms and types of unproductive waste. The condition for the system setup and effective functioning is the presence of developed circular infrastructure, institutions, and management. The scientific novelty and practical significance of the study are determined by the initial stage of circular tourism concept creation and consists in the development of circular tourism concept model, which is necessary to understand the functioning principles of the circular economy in tourism, the formation of circular strategies at all levels, the identification of triggers and barriers throughout the entire chain of the tourist product creation and consumption, determining the mechanisms for building closed intra-sectoral and inter-sectoral chains both at the cluster level and at the destinations level.


Closed-loop economy infrastructure and its role in circular transformation of tourism

Closed-loop economy infrastructure and its role in circular transformation of tourism

Mishulina Svetlana I.

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The change in the development paradigm and the transition from a linear to a circular model of the economy has led to the relevant research growth, including those in tourism. But their number remains limited, leaving open some theoretical, methodological and practical issues and slowing down the processes of tourism circular transformation. Researchers recognize the lack of infrastructure that ensures the closed-loop economy (CLE) functioning as one of the systemic barriers, which determine the need for in-depth study of circular infrastructure and its functions within a new development model. The research is aimed at study the infrastructure essence of CLE in tourism. During research, existing approaches in domestic and foreign literature to the definition of tourist supporting infrastructure were analyzed, its role in the circular transformation of tourism was identified, a definition of the tourism circular infrastructure was proposed, its functions and formation barriers were identified. The scientific value of the research is determined by the need for further development of the CLE infrastructure theory and its adaptation to the tourist industry. The research results can be useful in forming strategies for the innovative development of the tourist industry and tourist destinations at various management levels.


Esoteric tourism as a niche type of tourism: opportunities and ways of human self-improvement

Esoteric tourism as a niche type of tourism: opportunities and ways of human self-improvement

Mariam R. Arpentieva, Petr V. Menshikov, Natalya V. Kuznetsova, Irina V. Gorelova

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Modern tourism is actively expanding the scope of its activities, including through the ever-increasing diversification and specialization of tourist trips and other products. Niche tour-ism is beginning to become an increasingly important sphere of tourism, annually giving a huge increase even in those areas that were traditionally considered massive. But there are also areas that have never been and can never be massive. These include esoteric tourism. Of course, there is an old tradition of pilgrimages and religious tourism, however, the concept of "esoteric" implies secret, sacred knowledge and skills that are passed on to some, a select few or, in the case of tourists, seeking them. The condition for obtaining this knowledge and skills is self-improvement and self-realization. As a result, esoteric tourism acts as a classic niche type of tourism. Its pur-pose as a type of tourism of special interests is self-improvement and self-realization as a motive of tourist activity. The purpose of the work is to study the state and prospects for the develop-ment of esoteric tourism as a special type of niche tourism, study the specifics of esoteric tourism as a type of niche tourism and identify the prospects for its development in Russia and the world. This type of tourism is intended for tourists with a special type of needs: in the context of A. Maslow's hierarchical model of needs, tourists who demand routes and other tourist offers of this type belong to a group of people who require a special quality of impressions about the world, and, most importantly, about themselves... The tourist travel of such tourists is the inte-gration of health-recreational (healing), cultural and educational (philosophical and esoteric) and extreme mystical (spiritual, magical, shamanistic, etc.) travel. Self-improvement and self-realization as a motive of tourist activity represent the highest level of motivation for tourist activity and, therefore, one way or another, should be understood as elite tourism, along with extreme tourism. This type of tourism has great development prospects precisely as a niche type of tourism, since it involves a person's work with oneself: the organization of such work requires significant efforts on his part and on the part of the organizers of a tourist trip, therefore, not only highly qualified specialists and special tourist destinations are needed, but also flexible, mul-ticomponent routes, allowing to implement special customer requests so that this type of busi-ness remains not only in demand, but also competitive, along with its immanent elitism and other specifics.


Features of the institutional environment for ethno-gastronomic tourism development

Features of the institutional environment for ethno-gastronomic tourism development

Bodzhgua Anna U.

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This article is devoted to modern problems and features of ethno-gastronomic tourism development, mediated by the formation and development of socio-economic institutions of the tourism sector. Modern development trends in the tourism industry in the context of updating the "experience economy" and ensuring a strong position of the Russian Federation in the domestic and world tourism market, on the one hand, determine the priority direction of the formation of original types of tourism that have uniqueness and the ability to gain new knowledge. On the other hand, the formation of a new direction of tourism activities will create a platform for the development of individual regions and industries through the consolidation of state, public and private institutions for the functioning of ethno-gastronomic tourism. The author investigates the main institutional factors that have a direct impact on the formation of institutions of ethno-gastronomic tourism, and also highlights institutional contradictions that reflect the imperfection of the institutional environment for the functioning of ethno-gastronomic tourism, limiting the sustainable development of tourist territories on its basis. A retrospective analysis of the institutional environment for the formation and development of ethno-gastronomic tourism made it possible to formulate institutional problems and measures for improving the institutional structure of the formation and development of ethno-gastronomic tourism.


Financial contagion of the economy tourism sector in different countries during the COVID-19 pandemic

Financial contagion of the economy tourism sector in different countries during the COVID-19 pandemic

Ovcharov Anton O., Kabirov Ildar S., Gayazova Alina A., Antipova Anastasia A.

Статья научная

The purpose of the study is to identify the financial contagion that spread through the channels of the stock market in the economy tourist segment of different countries during the COVID-19 pandemic. The tourism industry has proved to be extremely susceptible to the pandemic shock, so it is necessary to have objective quantitative estimates of this susceptibility. The study is based on an extensive empirical base, including data on stock indices that reflect the stock quotes of the largest travel companies. The method of advanced correlation analysis was used as a specific method of detecting financial contagion, based on the Forbes-Rigobon approach. The classic Forbes-Rigobon test was supplemented with a sliding dynamic method, which made it possible to identify the intensity of country contagion in the tourism sector. The peculiarities of understanding the financial contagion essence in economic systems are revealed. A brief overview of modern research on the infection problems in tourism is made. A statistical analysis of COVID-19 impact on a number of countries has been carried out, the pandemic features and consequences for the tourism sector have been identified. For 5 countries (China, Taiwan, Great Britain, Greece and Turkey), test statistics for financial contagion are calculated. Dynamic estimates of the contagion were obtained, which allowed us to obtain a picture of the scale and intensity of financial contagion in international tourist markets during the pandemic. The recipients of financial infection from China were the tourist markets of Taiwan and Greece. At the same time, these countries turned out to be transmitters of financial contagion at the same time - with varying intensity, they transmitted it to other tourist markets.


Green certification issues in the accommodation sector

Green certification issues in the accommodation sector

Mishulina Svetlana I.

Статья научная

The article covers the possibility of accommodation establishments green certification as a tool for greening the tourist industry. The analysis is provided for available statistics of certified hotels in Russia and abroad and the conclusion is made on the low level of accommodation sector green certification. The major barriers hindering the widespread of green certification practice in the Russian accommodation sector were researched. It is concluded that the feasibility of green certification as a tool for tourism greening on the one hand is determined by the level of environmental culture and development of the knowledge-based system on the certification goals and procedures among consumers and by the position of certification in the company's external communications system. On the other hand, by the availability of this greening tool for the majority of tourist market participants. The need for more thorough research on the content and factors determining environmentally responsible behavior of Russian tourists is substantiated.


Green transformation of consumer behavior model in tourism

Green transformation of consumer behavior model in tourism

Mishulina Svetlana I.

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Insights into the directions and factors for travelers consumer behavior green transformation influence not only the success of travel companies business models innovative green modernization, their market competitiveness, ability to adapt to changes in natural environment and climate, but also the possibility of creating effective mechanisms promoting green behavior of consumers and manufacturers as well as implementation of regional and national strategies, programs and plans for sustainable development. The research was aimed at developing a model for tourist product consumers green behavior as a tool for the tourist industry environmental transformation in the face of growing environmental risks and challenges. Based on the analysis of approaches existing in the national and foreign theoretical definition of the consumer behavior essence and modeling, the identification of factors and current trends in the consumer behavior green transformation, the author's definition of the tourist green behavior and factorial concept model for the tourist product consumer behavior green transformation are proposed. The research theoretical background includes national and foreign scientific papers on tourist product consumer behavior environmental transformation, determining conditions and ways for the transition to a 'green' economic growth, and sustainable development of the tourist industry. The research data background includes analytical and statistical reports of international tourist and nature protection institutions, governmental and nongovernmental analytical centers, governmental statistical service official data, the data of tourist market entities surveys, published case studies, including the analysis of tourist market entities activities. Applied methods of informational monitoring and analysis of national and international scientific databases, systemic analysis, synthesis, patterns identification allowed to make reasonable conclusions. The publication was prepared under the implementation of issue No 1021052404499-3-5.2.1 Theoretical and methodological foundations for the strategic management of the RF recreational and tourist sector innovative development of the FRC SSC RAS state assignment.


Psychological and pedagogical components of tourist activities (using the example of glamping)

Psychological and pedagogical components of tourist activities (using the example of glamping)

Mariam R. Arpentieva, Petr V. Menshikov, Natalya G. Bazhenova, Natalya V. Kuznetsova, Andrey I. Korobchenko

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The psychological and pedagogical aspects of tourism are relatively rarely the focus of researchers. There are very few works directly devoted to pedagogical and especially psycholog-ical, aspects, possibilities and limitations of tourism, including glamping and other innovative tourism practices and formats. There is an urgent need for a detailed study of tourism activities as human activities, studying the possibilities and limitations of tourism activities in human de-velopment. The research method is a theoretical analysis of the psychological and pedagogical capabilities and limitations of glamping. The study is connected with an attempt to identify psy-chological and pedagogical and related difficulties (limitations) and resources (opportunities) of glamping as a kind of ecological and ethnographic tourism aimed at solving the problems of human development as a person, as well as his or her development in interpersonal and educa-tional-professional relations. The article notes the duality of glamping effects in the context of the individual development as a person, a partner and a professional. Although the practice of glamping as a whole creates conditions for the activation and development of a person's interest in nature and culture, as well as himself as a subject of nature and culture, its capabilities cannot be overestimated. Although glamping, like other tourist activity formats, can create conditions for the development of his activities as a person, partner and professional, but the basic orienta-tion of glamping and its consumers towards comfort and luxury is more an attempt to escape from reality, rather than return to it. This will limit the ability of a person to work productively and effectively over their mistakes, coping with a difficult life situation. Glamping opportunities are associated with the activation, clarification and harmonization of a person's activity as a person, a partner and a professional in the course of psychological and pedagogical procedures, ranging from home therapy and hobby groups to travel therapy and events.


Religious scientific tourism as a new form of religious tourism

Religious scientific tourism as a new form of religious tourism

Balabeikina Olga A., Yankovskaya Anna A., Poputneva Mariia I.

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For the first time in domestic and foreign scientific circulation, theoretical aspects related to the previously briefly mentioned scientific tourism of a religious orientation are revealed. It is proposed to consider this type of tourism as one of the directions of religious and educational tourism. The article offers the definition of scientific religious tourism, and also, depending on the purpose of the trip, two of its subspecies are distinguished - scientific and educational eventful and scientific expeditionary tourism. It is noted that due to the extremely low level of coverage of the problem, the sources of empirical materials are specific. One of the opportunities for the implementation of travel, caused by scientific religious tourism, are theological scientific conferences organized by monasteries and spiritual educational organizations, and some data were obtained by the method of participatory observation during the visits undertaken by the authors of those events in 2015-2020. The article shows that scientific and educational events of religious content, as well as accompanying books and other products, contribute to stimulate interest in visiting unique sacred places. The existing experience in organizing tours will diversify the offers on the market of tourist services and religious tourism of excursion and educational orientation.


Social tourism for youth as a driver of domestic tourism

Social tourism for youth as a driver of domestic tourism

Donskova Lyudmila I., Makovetsky Mikhail U., Barannikov Alexander L.

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The study reviews youth tourism as a part of social tourism and a system component characterized by socio-economic features and the influence of various factors and conditions. The relevance of the study of tourism in the youth segment is due to the increasing role and importance of travel for young people, which is associated with such qualities as mobility, the desire for knowledge, as well as modern conditions and opportunities in organizing their leisure and travel. Despite the events related to COVID-19, there is a growing tourist activity of Russians partly owing to the social tourism development and import substitution in the domestic market. The article is aimed at identifying motivation in youth tourism as part of social tourism, the links with territorial factors and conditions of its development. The study is based on theoretical and empirical research of youth tourism. The work applied general scientific methods and content analysis in abstracting scientific publications; a sociological method (a survey conducted among students of universities in the Russian region) including statistical methods (grouping, weighted average) for processing the data obtained. Research findings: referencing of articles of domestic authors on youth tourism, as well as the results of the author's empirical research made it possible to identify preferences in the choice of programs of a socio-cultural nature, due to their motivation to travel, as well as the influence of factors and conditions. At the same time, the conditions are determined by regional characteristics, including the availability of tourist facilities and the activities carried out in the implementation of tourist trips for social groups. When planning youth tourism development, it is necessary for Tour operators to recognize the peculiarities of youth preferences in tourist programs and events, focusing on the socio-cultural components.


Video materials as a persuasive strategy in tourism discourse

Video materials as a persuasive strategy in tourism discourse

Zakharova Ganna G.

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Tourism promotional videos are essential elements for attraction and seduction; they are trigger elements to tourists. This solution for web marketing engages and convinces potential tourists to book a tourism product. Embedding video materials into a website provides useful information, creates different feelings in viewers, and helps them finalize their decisions. The present article discusses video solutions for health tourism websites used to allure potential tourists. It reviews the influential elements of persuasive tourism marketing videos. The article highlights how these components as persuasive strategies of tourism promotional materials can influence the decisions of tourism websites’ users. The result section provides the real examples of deployment of the mentioned technique to convince the audience of the website of the “Karpaty” resort (Ukraine). This technique is worth attention as it plays an important role in the promotion of tourism services. The data collection of this study will provide updated information in relation to the rhetoric of tourism.


Безбарьерный туризм: критерии и обоснование выбора объектов для инклюзивного тура

Безбарьерный туризм: критерии и обоснование выбора объектов для инклюзивного тура

Плотникова Виктория Сергеевна, Афонина Ольга Дмитриевна

Статья научная

Статья посвящена анализу доступности объектов туристкой инфраструктуры Республики Карелия на предмет их соответствия требованиям безбарьерной среды. Безбарьерная среда особенно актуальна для людей, имеющих ограниченные возможности здоровья (ОВЗ). Ряд проблем в этой сфере связан с доступностью туристических объектов для людей с ограниченными возможностями, и отсутствием адаптированных туристических продуктов. Это требует решения конкретных задач на уровне государства, региональных органов местной власти, предпринимателей, и граждан. В работе представлен обзор дефиниции понятия «безбарьерный туризм», основные проблемы данного вида туризма, которые связаны с транспортом, медицинским контролем, специальным туристским снаряжением, функционированием гостиниц, информационным обеспечением. Также выделены критерии качества повышения безбарьерной среды, которые достигаются при соблюдении доступности, безопасности, удобства и информативности зданий для нужд инвалидов и других маломобильных групп населения без ущемления соответствующих прав и возможностей других людей. На основе систематизации факторов, оказывающих наиболее влияние не развитие безбарьерного туризма и выделенных критериев, было проведено исследование по доступности туристских объектов Республики Карелия. Исследование проходило на основе анализа сайтов туристских объектов, отзывов посетителей, имеющих ОВЗ и посещения данных объектов с целью личного наблюдения и исследования доступности объектов для разных групп посетителей. Результатом работы стал инклюзивный тур, который можно использовать в практической деятельности туристских предприятий.


Виртуальный туризм: за и против

Виртуальный туризм: за и против

Межевникова Ольга Петровна, Ухина Татьяна Викторовна

Статья научная

Целью исследования является раскрытие особенностей становления виртуального туризма. Актуальность разработки системы туристского виртуального пространства обусловлена необходимостью соответствовать инновационным процессам, затрагивающим современные технологии виртуальной реальности, позволяющим поновому получать визуальную информацию и разрабатывать новые туристские продукты. Авторами была предпринята попытка проследить влияние технологий виртуальной реальности на создание виртуальных туров и экскурсий. Проведенный сравнительный анализ позволил проследить преимущества и недостатки традиционного и виртуального туризма. В статье подчеркивается, что технология виртуальной реальности может существенно повысить продажи туристических продуктов, позволяя заинтересовать людей с помощью визуализации предоставляемой информации. Научная новизна статьи заключается в попытке представить наиболее полный спектр преимуществ виртуального туризма. В результате исследования авторы пришли к выводу, что процесс виртуализации туризма несет с собой перспективы и коммерческие выгоды для участников новых туристских рынков и компаний.


Влияние промышленных кластерных структур на экономическую безопасность региона

Влияние промышленных кластерных структур на экономическую безопасность региона

Шаляпина М.А.

Статья научная

В статье рассмотрена роль промышленных кластеров в экономической безопасности региона. Обобщены основные подходы к вопросам кластеризации различных научных школ. Выявлено, что современная конкурентная политика рассматривает кластер, как новый инструмент, оказывающий положительное влияние на экономическую безопасность региона. Проведён анализ деятельности Кластера Судостроения и судоремонта Калининградской области (КССКО) по результатам которого можно судить об эффективности его деятельности. В статье также рассмотрена система оценки эффективности деятельности кластера в условиях санкционного давления и предложена авторская методика расчёта коэффициента экономической безопасности от эффективности деятельности кластера, позволяющая оценить, насколько КССКО эффективно функционирует и оказывает положительное влияние на экономическое развитие и экономическую безопасность региона.


Возможности вовлечения креативных индустрий в формирование туристского продукта

Возможности вовлечения креативных индустрий в формирование туристского продукта

Сухов Р.И.

Статья научная

Креативные индустрии и креативный туризм можно отнести к инновационным сферам деятельности человека. Научные исследования о креативных индустриях и туры креативной тематики в российской практике стали появляться относительно недавно. Поэтому в исследовании проанализированы наиболее интересные научные труды отечественных и зарубежных исследователей, позволяющие определить, что такое креативные индустрии, креативная экономика и какова их взаимосвязь с туризмом. Особое внимание уделено креативным кластерам в России, исследования которых начались в последние годы. Были рассмотрены креативные кластеры, их уровни с точки зрения туристского интереса, определены регионы, в которых креативные кластеры могут быть включены в состав туристского продукта. Для понимания значимости креативных индустрий в формировании индивидуальных и пакетных туров, ориентированных на массовый туризм, были проанализированы предложения региональных туроператоров, занимающихся приемом туристов в субъектах Российской Федерации, туроператоров федерального уровня, специализирующихся на внутреннем туризме и готовых турпакетах. Так же были рассмотрены возможности формирования туров с креативными компонентами туристской деятельности туроператоров, специализирующихся на индивидуальных турах и применяющих инновационные подходы к формированию туристского продукта. Изучена география пакетных программ массового туризма, авторских туров, проанализированы национальные туристические маршруты с точки зрения вовлечения в них продуктов предприятий креативных индустрий. Определены особенности вовлечения предприятий креативных индустрий в формирование туристского продукта в зависимости от специфики региона, уровня развития в нем креативных индустрий.


Геомаркетинговый подход с использованием картографического моделирования туристского спроса

Геомаркетинговый подход с использованием картографического моделирования туристского спроса

Яковенко Ирина Михайловна, Страчкова Наталья Васильевна, Иволга Анна Григорьевна, Павленко Ирина Геннадьевна

Статья научная

Раскрыта сущность геомаркетинговых исследований в контексте изучения особенностей туристского спроса. Геомаркетинг обеспечивает формирование своеобразной матрицы количественных и качественных характеристик территории, отвечающих запросам как существующих, так и потенциальных потребителей. При этом формируется система пространственных факторов принятия управленческих решений, создающая возможность выбора из имеющихся вариантов сочетания качественных характеристик наиболее подходящий, что обусловливает клиентоориентированный подход при создании туристского предложения конкретной рекреационной территории. Определены основные направления геомаркетинговых исследований в сфере потребительских предпочтений туристского рынка, среди которых ключевыми выступают определение портрета туриста на основе комбинации количественных и качественны характеристик, что влияет на пространственные особенности потребительского поведения. Обозначены базовые и расширенные инструменты геомаркетинговых исследований туристского спроса. Основным методом, направленным на выявление географической избирательности туристского спроса и стереотипов рекреационного поведения, является метод картографического моделирования, базирующийся на широкомасштабных социологических исследованиях.


Глэмпинг как сегмент туристского рынка

Глэмпинг как сегмент туристского рынка

Мирошничеко Петр Николаевич

Статья научная

Статья посвящена анализу основных тенденций отечественного и мирового рынка глэмпинга. Проведенный анализ научной литературы по проблеме показал наличие двух подходов; 1) глэмпинг рассматривает с точки зрения особенностей гостиничной инфраструктуры, 2) глэмпинг характеризуется как разновидность туризма на основе природы, прежде всего экологического. При более детальном рассмотрении сущности глэмпинга становится ясно, что он не в полной мере соответствует довольно жестким принципам экотуризма. На основе анализа зарубежной научной литературы в статье сделан вывод, что на современном туристском рынке появился новый сегмент - глэмпинг-туризм. Обзор рынка глэмпинга представлен на материале аналитического отчета 2018 года. Основной тенденцией рынка глэмпинг-услуг является его более чем троекратный рост к 2025 году по отношении к 2015 году. Превалирующим трендом развития станет устойчивый рост сегмента потребителей в возрасте от 18 до 32 лет, наиболее предпочтительными среди типов размещения - отдельные коттеджные домики (cabins) и гондолы (pods). На мировом рынке глэмпинг-услуг лидирует Европа, которая по прогнозу сохранит эти позиции до 2025 года. Российский рынок глэмпинга находится еще в стадии становления. Привлекательность этого рынка для отечественного гостиничного бизнеса возрастает из-за нестабильной эпидемиологической ситуации в стране.


Железнодорожные туристские тропы как новый формат организации досуга и путешествий

Железнодорожные туристские тропы как новый формат организации досуга и путешествий

Афанасьева Александра Владиславовна

Статья научная

Железнодорожные тропы - это особый формат рекреационного пространства, созданный на основе не функционирующих, заброшенных или разрушенных объектов железнодорожной инфраструктуры. По сути, ресурсом для создания железнодорожных троп выступают утраченные объекты индустриального наследия. При этом, формируемые железнодорожные тропы становятся не только рекреационными маршрутами, но и способом сохранения железнодорожного полотна, репрезентации наследия, находящегося под угрозой исчезновения, повышения качества территорий вокруг заброшенных железнодорожных магистралей. Именно поэтому железнодорожные тропы являются объектами научного интереса в зарубежных исследованиях, занимают важное место в территориальном планировании и туризме. В России практики создания железнодорожных троп пока нет, и в научных публикациях эта тема не освещается. Поэтому целью статьи является изучение понятия «железнодорожная тропа» (rail trail) как основы путешествий особого рода, особенностей и преимуществ как нового формата отдыха. В статье решены следующие задачи: изучено понимание железнодорожных троп в западном сегменте научных публикаций, проведена классификация и дана характеристика железнодорожных троп как особого рекреационного пространства, рассмотрены примеры успешного функционирования железнодорожных троп, изучены кейсов управления рекреационным железнодорожным пространством в мировом контексте, и охарактеризованы возможности применения подобного опыта в России.

