Agnonyms as a means of vocabulary enrichment younger schoolboy

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The article deals with the methodological approach associated with the purposeful work on the development of speech and vocabulary enrichment of younger students in the lessons of the Russian language. Among the results of the development of the basic educational program of primary General education in the Russian language are: the ability to navigate in the goals, objectives, means and conditions of communication, to choose adequate language tools for the successful solution of communicative tasks: mastering educational activities with language units and the ability to use knowledge to solve cognitive, practical and communicative tasks. The development of speech of younger students is recognized as one of the most urgent tasks of primary school practice. The importance and importance of speech development is noted in the Federal state educational standard of primary General education. A wealth of material to enhance speech development of younger students, enriching their vocabulary present words-agronomy, particularly archaic words. To check the efficiency of development of speech of younger students was used diagnostic methods R.S. Nemov and T.A. Potokovoj. The work was carried out in three directions: on the phrase and sentence, on the coherent speech, vocabulary work. The positive dynamics of the levels of speech development, passive and active vocabulary of children of the experimental group confirmed the feasibility and effectiveness of working with words-agnonyms as a means of enriching the vocabulary and speech development of children of primary school age.


Vocabulary, agnonymy, obsolete words, enrichment, exercise, experiment, diagnostic methods

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IDR: 148312870

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