Active legitimization for the termination of a lifelong support contract

Автор: Kovačević Nemanja

Журнал: Pravo - teorija i praksa @pravni-fakultet

Рубрика: Review paper

Статья в выпуске: 4-6 vol.29, 2012 года.

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The author reviews the issue of the termination of a lifelong support contract from the perspective of the persons who can legitimately seek such a termination. The topic of this paper work is the key issue in domain of the termination of the most significant succession contract in our legislation which is discussed through the analysis of the rights of three parties who may seek the termination of such a contract: the contractor, that is the party seeking the support, the party providing the support and the party who is the contractor’s successor. The focus is put on the question who can appear as a plaintiff in a civil suit related to the termination of the lifelong contract. At the beginning of the work, the author points to the main reasons for the termination of lifelong contracts, while the entire work and the disputable issues are supported by the examples and opinions from the court practice and legal doctrine.


Termination of a lifelong support contract, the contractor, the party providing the support, the contractor's successor

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IDR: 170202589

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