Analysis of legal disputes arising out of advertising law violations

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The article analyzes legal disputes in advertising law violations, with a focus on significant cases in California. It examines the enforcement of consumer protection laws such as the Unfair Competition Law of California, and the so-called False Advertising Law, incorporated in the California Code Business and Professions Code («UCL» and «FAL»). The study explores notable cases, including those against Johnson & Johnson, General Motors, Juul Labs, and Bright Data. It evaluates the impact of these cases on advertising practices and regulatory compliance. The article highlights lessons for advertisers to ensure legal adherence. It discusses the role of regulatory bodies in maintaining market integrity. The findings emphasize the importance of transparency and honesty in advertising.


Advertising law, legal disputes, consumer protection, unfair competition law, false advertising law, california code business and professions code, regulatory compliance, deceptive advertising, market integrity

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IDR: 170207520   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-9-2-218-224

Список литературы Analysis of legal disputes arising out of advertising law violations

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