Antique and Christian traditions in the novel “Odysseus Polichroniades” by K.N. Leontiev

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The article deals with the interplay of antique and Christian traditions in the novel “Odysseus Polichroniades” written by K.N. Leontiev. The writer's concept of the positive character is presented in the context of these cultural traditions. The conducted study helped to reveal existing links between antique traditions and Christian comprehension of the classical heritage. Thus, the ancient model is a part of the perfect representation of the Greek world. In this way, poetics of the ideal agree with K. N. Leontiev's religious views. His Orthodox ideas, such as godliness of patriarchal culture, are transmitted to Greek characters in “Odysseus Polichroniades”. The antique influence manifests itself in the aesthetics of the novel. The struggle of these traditions is more evident in the opposition «icon-picture». The essential link between Christian and ancient traditions is studied in the article. Their close interconnection becomes more important than their controversy. The effect of their mutual influence of the two cultural ideals is revealed in poetics of the novel “Odysseus Polichroniades”.


Antique tradition, christianity, the "ideal" character

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IDR: 14751135

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