Some medicinal plants antioxidant potential of the Samara region

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The purpose of research is to study the antioxidant activity of ethanol extracts obtained from certain types of medicinal plants growing in the Samara Region. Six species of medicinal plants were studied in the work: stinging nettle (Urtica dioica L.), coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara L.), tansy (Tanacetum vulgare), great plantain (Plantago major L.), chamomile ( Matricaria recutita) and yarrow (Achillea millefolium). The collection of plant material was carried out in the Muransky pine forest, a relict pine forest located in the Shigonsky District of the Samara Region. In plant extracts, the total content of phenolic compounds, the total content of flavonoids, and antiradical activity were determined using the 2,2'-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) method. The maximum content of phenolic substances was found in common coltsfoot (1647 mg of gallic acid / 100 g of raw material), and the minimum - in common yarrow (1295.3 mg of gallic acid / 100 g of raw material). The maximum amount of flavonoids is contained in tansy (716.4 mg of catechin / 100 g of raw material), and the minimum is found in common yarrow (275.8 mg of catechin / 100 g of raw material). The antiradical activity of the extracts obtained decreases in the following sequence: stinging nettle > chamomile > greater plantain > common coltsfoot > common tansy > common yarrow. Thus, all the studied extracts showed fairly high antioxidant activity. The most promising herbs for further research were coltsfoot (maximum content of phenolic compounds), tansy (maximum content of flavonoids) and stinging nettle (maximum antiradical activity).


Stinging nettle, common coltsfoot, common tansy, chamomile, common yarrow, total content of phenolic substances, antiradical activity

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140305299   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2024-2-22-29

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