Antiterrorist publicity in the educational field

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For the purposes of the anti-terrorist propaganda regularly lectures for students and pupils, who are accompanied by a demonstration of specially selec ted documentaries films on terrorism, presentations, thematic lessons, meetings with members of the security forces, site-training, drawing contests, e ssays and abstracts on antiterrorist topics. Religious extremism must be considered strongly motivated, veiled by religious dogmas only activities aimed at violent change of the existing state system, violent seizure of power, violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state. It also aims at inci ting ethnic hatred and religious hatred, one of the priority objectives of which is the desire to replace the existing legislation by the laws and canons of Islam with the construction of an Islamic state in the long term. According to most scientists and experts, religious extremism does not accept the possibility of negotiating, as the essence of it is, the use of force and intolerance of dissent. The followers of different religious extremism extreme intolerance toward those who do not share their views, including co-religionists. For them there are no rules, accept able and unacceptable limits.


Religious extremism, terrorism, essence of religious extremism, causes of extremism, met hods of combating religious extremism

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14951611   |   DOI: 10.17748/2075-9908-2017-9-1/2-131-134

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