25, 2016 - Arctic and North

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ID: 148318614 Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148318614

Содержание выпуска 25, 2016 Arctic and North

Economics, political science, society and culture

Olga O. Smirnova, Svetlana A. Lipina, Elena V. Kudryashova, Tatyana F. Krejdenko, Yulia N. Bogdanova Creation of development zones in the Arctic: methodology and practice 129
Nikolay G. Shishatsky, Elena A. Bryukhanova, Valery S. Efimov, Alexander M. Matveev Strategic positioning of the Arctic region as an object of territorial development (on the example of the Khatanga-Anabar region) 150

Reviews and reports

Yury F. Lukin The Arctic tourism in Russia 185

Authors, titles, аbstracts, and keywords

Output data

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