Historical sciences, ethnology and anthropology. Рубрика в журнале - Arctic and North

Публикации в рубрике (5): Historical sciences, ethnology and anthropology
все рубрики
About Russian Pomor say a word

About Russian Pomor say a word

Lukin Y.F.

Статья научная

Conceptual approaches 2 definitions of concepts ‘pomors’, ‘Russian Pomors’ in historical and modern understanding are considered.


Ethnic identity of Pomors of the Arkhangelsk region through the prism of the main anthropological approaches

Ethnic identity of Pomors of the Arkhangelsk region through the prism of the main anthropological approaches

Pyzhova A.N.

Статья научная

This article provides an overview of the two main theoretical approaches that are widely used to study the issues of ethnic identity in social anthropology − primordialism and constructivism. In addition, an overview of the basic theoretical difficulties in determining the ethnic identity of the group. Using data from the field research (interviews), the article provides an analysis of the ethnic identity of Pomors, presented through the prism of these two approaches.


Pomorie and Pomors: the structure of one historical myth

Pomorie and Pomors: the structure of one historical myth

Semushin D.L.

Статья научная

The historical myth is playing a key role in any ethno-­building. An important role in the initial stage is playing the work of ideologues and historians, writers. In the article is analyzed the structure of the Pomeranian historical myth, it is based on a specific interpretation of the colonization process of the Russian North and the specific interpretation of local history and geography and local concepts.


Project ‛Pomor harbor’

Project ‛Pomor harbor’

Zvyagin S.A.


