Geography, Ecology. Рубрика в журнале - Arctic and North

Публикации в рубрике (2): Geography, Ecology
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Mapping of the Solovetsky Islands in XVI−XVII centuries

Mapping of the Solovetsky Islands in XVI−XVII centuries

Bykova Marina

Статья научная

The history of the geographic descriptions of Solovki closely related with the history of research of the Arctic Region by Russian and foreign seaman. The analysis of 34 ancient maps of the White Sea in XVI−XVII centuries led to the following conclusions. At first we meet the Solovetsky Islands in the map of Muscovy dated by 1537 year, compiled by A. Widom according to the boyar I.V. Lyatsky data. Most of maps of XVI−XVII centuries were made by Western Europe, British and Dutch cartographers. Both own observations of authors and maps of their predecessors and the Russian cartographic sources were used in compilation. But most of them didn’t survive. Most cartographers of XVI−XVII centuries like S. Herberstein, C. Munster, W. Borro, P. Bertius, G. Gerritsen, W. Blau, J. Tiriton, etc. denote Solovki in their studies. Solovetsky Islands are marked on 25 of the 34 reviewed maps of XVI−XVII centuries. Solovki on maps of XVI−XVII centuries have different toponyms: «Soloffki», «Solofki», «Solowka Insvla», «Solofka», «Soloffky», «Solffky», «Soulofki», «Solafka», «Senloski». Islands of the group of Solovetsky archipelago are marked only on a few maps. Anser («Angra» − 1614 H. Gerritsen, «Anger» − 1612 I. Massa, 1635 J. Blau, 1660 F. de Wit), Zayatsky («Satska» − 1612 I. Massa, 1635 J. Blau), Muksalma («Muksama» − 1635 J. Blau). Most of maps of XVI−XVII centuries give an incorrect location of Solovki in the White Sea basin.


Stock of seeds in soil of fir groves bilberry

Stock of seeds in soil of fir groves bilberry

Shangina Nadezhda, Feklistov Pavel

Статья научная

In article results of research of a stock of seeds of various tree species in soil and a laying of fir groves bilberry are resulted. The interrelation between quantity of seeds in soil and quantity young generation of trees is considered. The obtained data is analysed by means of methods of mathematical modeling. It is possible to recommend results to use in the practical purposes.

