Archaeology in the relationship of science and ideology

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Purpose. Ideology in the archaeological science are manifested in three problem areas: ontological as a problem by studying the archaeological sources, the role of ideology in the life of ancient societies; in the epistemological problem of how to influence ideological principles on the research process; in an ethical responsibility as a problem of scientists working in concrete political situation. This work focuses on the latter two issues, its purpose - to describe the main stages of discussing the relationship of scientific knowledge and ideology in archeology XX. Results. The article describes the basic steps of the scientific discussion of the relationship of knowledge and ideology in archaeology XX, starting with «Marxist archaeology» end 1920 - early 1930s the party principle posed the problem of truth in relation to the class positions of the scientist. In Stalin time, this problem has experienced a number of dramatic transformations, while the second half of the XX century issues of socio-political context of archaeology almost touched. A new upsurge of interest in these issues in the 1990’s associated with the ideological crisis of the state and the emergence of methodological pluralism. In the works of contemporary Russian authors problems of relationship of science and ideology are discussed in relation to issues of history of archaeology, professional ethics, social memory and nationalism. The article also provides a periodization of the study of the relationship between science and ideology of western archaeology and cultural anthropology, with its focus is on the characteristics of modern Marxists and postmodernists. Conclusion. To a large extent it is affected by the political situation, the commercialization of antiquities and the details of the professional community. Features of the study of the social context of archaeology explained by the differences in the perception of time interacting key stakeholders: society, power, and science. State ideology depends on the type of political regime and can be unpredictable or variable, or mixed Public opinion is changing with the generations, it is influenced by the class situation. Perception of the past society much more inert and discrete compared to the scientific. Researchers are constantly included in the learning process, therefore responds to changes not only critical, but also much more dynamic.


Archaeology, ideology, marxist archaeology, pseudo-archaeology, post-processual archaeology

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IDR: 147219342

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