The architectonics of the original modalities of culture in the light of the theory of semiotic transformation

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The article is devoted to the search of transcendental bases of work methods peculiar to this or that world of culture fixed in language, signs and symbols. The concept of initial culture modalities in the light of the theory of semiotics transformations is funded. These modalities are the limit ontological distinction setting the attitude worldview horizon during this or that era. Karl-Otto Apel''s works inspired the statement of the real research main problem and the choice of the subject but his topical are leaves far beyond the perspective presented in them. The question of whether the semiotics as a basis for phenomenology of initial modalities of culture is possible gets special sounding today, highlighting a range of very current problems of philosophy of culture. The purpose of the present research is identification of the transcendental bases of semiotics as methodology of culture initial modalities study.


Transcendentalism, cultural modalities, semiotic a priori, transcendent instances

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ID: 148102587
