Art as the search for true meaning

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The article deals with the analysis of J. Barnes'' interpretation of relationship between history and art, factual and fictional. The author problematizes the idea of objective knowledge and true meaning about the past.

Novel, history, art, barnes

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IDR: 147231106

Список литературы Art as the search for true meaning

  • Barnes J. A History of the World in 10 lA Chapters Vintage Books, 2009
  • Finney B. English Fiction since 1984: Narrating a Nation by Palgrave Macmillan, 2006
  • Goer, Chris and Christoph Henke "How do you turn catastrophe into art?"
  • Hewitt K. (editor) 'A History of the World in 10 lA Chapters' by Julian Barnes. A Commentary with Annotations. Пермь: Перм. ун-т, 2006
  • Irina Polyakova, Yana Zharskaya Julian Barnes' a History of the World in 10 lA Chapters: Travelling through Time. Footpath: Journal of Contemporary British Literature in Russian Universities. Number 2. July -December 2008, Perm: Perm State University, 2008
  • Oates Joyce Carol. "But Noah was not a nice man" // New York Times Book Review. № 94 (1 October 1989) history.html
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