Essays on individual authors. Рубрика в журнале - Тропа. Современная британская литература в российских вузах

"Любовный треугольник" в романе Дж. Коу "Какое надувательство!"
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Автор эссе пытается пробиться сквозь сложные отношения между автором, рассказчиком и героем книги Джонатана Сое «Какое деление!» Это оказывается необнаружимым.

Art as the search for true meaning
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The article deals with the analysis of J. Barnes'' interpretation of relationship between history and art, factual and fictional. The author problematizes the idea of objective knowledge and true meaning about the past.

Authorless narratives in Black swan green and Cloud atlas by David Mitchell
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This essay defines the interpretation of an ''authorless narrative'' - detached from an external author - in reference to David Mitchell''s first-person narratives in Cloud Atlas, arguing that the same effect is present in Black Swan Green.

Constructing the world through the sense of smell in the novel Crocodile soup by Julia Darling
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The paper focuses on the meaning of the concept "aroma/smell" in the novel of Julia Darling Crocodile Soup. It is the essential indication for the main character in judging people.

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The article is devoted to the translations of the novels of the famous English writer David Lodge into Russian, as well as the history of the interpretation of his work by Russian literary criticism. It is accompanied by a bibliography, which includes translations of D. Lodge's novels into Russian, and the main publications of Russian critics devoted to the writer's work.

Destiny or fortune: fatalistic motives in making history by Stephen Fry
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The role of fatalistic motives and impendence is underlined as one of the leading in this novel is under analysis. Philosophical ideas get their development by having an opportunity to observe the alternative march of history. This plot, made by the author is that of science fiction genre, which is not typical for him.

Following a length of Frayed Baler twine
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The article discusses the author''s method of combining various literary styles with the emphasis on the dramatic line of narration.

Irony as a means of characterization in Wolf hall by Hilary Mantel
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The article analyses aspects of irony in Wolf Hall and its influence on character description.

Julian Barnes' A history of the world in 10 and a half chapters: travelling through time
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The article is devoted to the study of the problem of the temporal organization of artistic space in the novel by J. Barnes "The Story of Mar in Ten and a Half Chapters." We are talking about the analysis of those linguistic means that allowed the author to create a multidimensional perspective of the described events, to combine them into the complex fabric of a work of art.

Just so stories: on the novels of Graham Swift
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The article provides an overview of the novelistic work of Graham Swift (b. 1949). In it, with the involvement of the material of all his novels, the cross-cutting themes of the writer's works are described: love, relations between children and parents, death, history. Then the key methods and techniques of his work with the form are considered - such, for example, as pseudo-documentary and the creation of phantasmagorias, the use of several narrators (up to the polyphony of "The Last Orders"), shifts of time layers, allusibility.

Mastering Georgie? A brief introduction to Beryl Bainbridge's novel
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Using the novel “Master Georgie” as an example, the article analyzes the work of the famous English writer B. Bainbridge. The chapters of the novel, which tell about the main character, surgeon and photographer George Hardy, on behalf of three storytellers, recreate the events of the Crimean War, an original fusion of fuzzy negatives (chapter titles) and the author's clear, unique style.

Memory processes in nothing to be frightened of by Julian Barnes
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The article examines the problem of memory in J. Barnes's autobiographical book Nothing to Fear, where the author's personal memories illustrate the unreliability and limitations of memory, revealing its main mechanisms, such as subjective interpretation, forgetting and imagination.

Sentiment replaces phantasmagoria: a review of Graham Swift's tomorrow
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In a review of Graham Swift's novel 'Tomorrow', the comparative simplicity of the latter is emphasized: there are no phantasmagorias and grotesques characteristic of the earlier works of the writer, the genre of "stories as tales" is abandoned, and even irony is absent. Something that has always been serious for Swift has survived: the theme of romantically true only love and the theme of finding children. The appeal to a love story in the 60s is reminiscent of other contemporary novels - notably Ian McEwan's 'On Chesil Beach' and Hilary Mantel's 'An Experiment in Love'. Dialogue with both Faulkner and Dickens is also heard. A simple novel, but, especially in comparison with modern Russian literature, what a rest]

The art of parenthesis in Waterland
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The article discusses the multiple functions of introductory constructs and the key role they play in shaping the different lines of storytelling in Graham Swift's novel Waterland.

The house in Norham Gardens - the whole world in itself
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The article is devoted to the disclosure with the help of linguistic means, images, ideas, etc. the concept of time in the novel "House in Norem Garden".

The narrative structure of Kazuo Ishiguro’s never let me go
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The article illustrates how the idea of the absence of the strict border between human and nonhuman is expressed in the narrative structure of the novel. The tragic essence of Never Let Me Go is generated by the contrast between the human nature of the main characters (clones born to donate their organs) and the inhumanity of their destiny. The central «voice» of the narration belongs to the woman who is officially considered non-human, soulless biological material. This opposition reveals at the genre structure of the novel that combines characteristics of Bildungsroman, distopian novel and memoir-novel. In Never Let Me Go the elements of memoir-novel and Bildungsroman focusing on the development of a person are connected with the inner space of the narrator 's memory. But characters' maturation as individuals seems to be crossed out in the outer space of the society constructed as dystopian. In the narrative structure of the novel the elements of Bildungsroman contradict with those of distopian novel. Breaking the boundaries of novelistic genres and creating genre amalgamation Kazuo Ishiguro strengthens the dramatic tension of Never Let Me Go.

The poetics of Kazuo Ishiguro's a pale view of the hills
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The article tells about the problems of the poetics of the novel by Kazuo Ishiguro "The Pale View of the Hills". It analyzes the features of the narrative and the artistic world of the novel.

The role of fairy tale motifs in the children's book by A.S.Byatt
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The article examines the phenomenon of processing and borrowing fairy tales and images, which is significant for modern literature, and also analyzes various methods of processing borrowed elements and their functions in the novel of the modern English writer A.S. Byatt "Children's Book". The author of the novel revises the tales of C. Perrault, G.H. Andersen, the Brothers Grimm, E.T.A. Hoffman, and also uses the motives of the works of J. Barry, K. Graham, L. Carroll, R. Kipling. It is emphasized that most often the writer uses such processing techniques as allusions and reminiscences, which allows A.S. Byatt to create new, unique characters based on the already known ones.